

For lower 利率s and less-stringent approval requirements.

马上申请 得到预先批准

或打电话 1-800-561-9433

FHA贷款购买 感兴趣 率  4月  点  每月 付款 贷款期限 (个月)
30年期固定 6.125% 6.882% -0.125 $2,345.38 360
15年固定 6.250% 6.987% -0.125 $3,309.65 180

FHA 抵押贷款 利率 effective as of July 12, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(apr)适用于信用评分为780或更高和96的借款人.5%的贷款价值比(LTV),并以印第安纳州财产担保的贷款为基础. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, 贷款与估值比率, 还有其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, 关闭成本, and points may vary by property location, 贷款类型, and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. 举例:购买价格为400,000美元,FICO®分数为780或更高,以及3.首付款5%或以上, 贷款金额为386美元,000; FHA mortgage insurance premium is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.

联邦住房管理局贷款再融资 感兴趣 率  4月  点  每月 付款 贷款期限 (个月)
30年期固定 6.125% 6.882% -0.125 $2,345.38 360
15年固定 6.250% 6.987% -0.125 $3,309.65 180

FHA 抵押贷款 利率 effective as of July 12, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(apr)适用于信用评分为780或更高和96的借款人.5%的贷款价值比(LTV),并以印第安纳州财产担保的贷款为基础. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, 关闭成本 and points may vary by property location, 贷款类型 and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. 例如,每月付款基于财产价值为400,000美元,FICO®评分为780或更高,以及3.5%或以上股本, 贷款金额为386美元,000; FHA mortgage insurance premium is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.


政府支持的, fixed-rate loan with a low down payment.


  • Fixed-rate mortgage backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
  • 首付款低至3美元.购买价的5%
  • Can be used for home purchase or mortgage 再融资
  • Issued by federally qualified lenders, such as 好的赌博软件推荐
  • 应用 15-20分钟后!



  • You do not have a substantial down payment saved
  • You have less-than-perfect credit or limited credit history
  • 你的收入中低等
  • Trade-off: The lowest rates usually carry some fees and 关闭成本



Two parents and their baby playing with packing peanuts from unpacking boxes

联邦住房管理局贷款是一种抵押贷款,由具有联邦资格的贷款人发行,并由联邦住房管理局(FHA)承保。. 它们是为低收入到中等收入的借款人设计的,他们无法支付大笔首付. 对于信用评分不高或债务收入比(DTI)高的借款人来说,这也是一个不错的选择. 

The 利率 can vary depending on the borrower’s credit score, 市场状况和其他因素. 然而, 由于政府支持贷款,贷款人的风险降低,因此利率可能具有竞争力.


How does an FHA贷款 compare to other 元素 mortgage options?

联邦住房管理局贷款在贷款期限内有固定利率,但收入较低的借款人也可以获得. 请查看图表中的其他差异.

  FHA贷款 首次购房者计划 固定利率抵押贷款 可调利率按揭










Do not have a substantial down payment saved

Have less than perfect credit or limited credit history

Do not have a substantial down payment saved

Have not owned a house in the past three years

Want your rate and payments to stay same for life of loan

Plan to stay in your home for several years

Are comfortable with rate and payments fixed at first, then adjusting later



购买 & 再融资:



5/5 ARM和7/6 ARM

购买 & 再融资:


购买 & 再融资:

5/5 ARM 30年期和7/6 ARM 30年期. Please call for information about other ARM products and terms.





7.7/6 ARM 30年期500%



购买:6.875%为3/6 ARM 30年

再融资:7.3/6 ARM 30年期375%





7.7/6 ARM 30年期938%4 



采购:8.3/6 ARM 30年期利率为004%4 

再融资:8.3/6 ARM 30年期利率为141%4 

首付 低至3.购买价的5% 低至购买价的5% 低至购买价的5% 低至购买价的10%


特殊特性 回来ed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

Can my down payment really be as little as 3.5%?

New homeowners walking into their new home




What fees and 关闭成本 should I expect?

The specific amount of your 关闭成本 will vary. 住房贷款通常涉及许多费用, 比如评估费, 标题的指控, 收的费用, 以及州税或地方税. These fees vary from state to state and also from lender to lender. 你的元素 M贷款发起人将根据您的具体贷款金额与您一起审查所有费用, 购买价格, 房屋价值.


第三方费用是指我们收取并转交给实际提供服务的人的费用. 这些费用可能包括评估费, 信用报告费, 结算费或结清费, 检验费, 税务服务费, 产权保险费用, 防洪认证费用, 还有快递/邮寄费用. 例如, 鉴定人获得鉴定费, a credit bureau is paid 信用报告费, and a title company or an attorney is paid the 产权保险费用. 


这些费用包括州/地方税收和记录费用,无论你选择哪个贷款机构,很可能都要支付. If some lenders don't quote you fees that include taxes and other unavoidable fees, 不要以为你不用付钱. 一个没有告诉你费用的贷款人可能没有做必要的研究来提供准确的成交成本.


贷款人的费用如积分, 文件准备费, 贷款处理费用由贷方保留,用于为您提供尽可能低的利率. 在做出决定之前,你应该非常仔细地比较不同贷款人的费用类别. 元素 charges a standard $995 origination fee on all mortgages.

欲了解更多信息,请致电我们 1-800-561-9433.

Is refinancing available with an FHA loan?

是的! 当你为你的房子再融资时, you actually pay off your existing mortgage and replace it with a new one. 你可能这样做是为了获得更低的利率或缩短抵押贷款期限. 也许你目前的财务状况会让你从传统的抵押贷款转向联邦住房管理局. 你可以了解更多 为抵押贷款再融资 与元素.



请致电 1-800-561-9433 看看你能不能提前申请到贷款,这样你就知道你能承受的价格范围了, 评估贷款的每月成本, and to see how much of a loan you can afford. 预先批准也会给你在和卖家谈判时提供一些筹码.


What happens during the loan application process?


你可以 在线申请 15-20分钟后! 随时提交申请. 或者打电话给我们 1-800-561-9433 电话申请. 当你申请时, have ready your government-issued ID (driver’s license, 状态标识, or passport) and estimates of your household income, 资产, home value and price you paid for your home.


我们将在您提交申请后的一个工作日内与您联系,以审查我们需要您提供的文件. We’ll also answer any questions you may have. 

应用程序检查 & 批准 

一旦你提供了你的文件,你的贷款将被保险人审查. 经保险公司审核后, 您的元素抵押贷款发起人和贷款处理人员将共同努力,以获得关闭贷款所需的任何进一步的文件, 包括估价和职称工作. 


一旦你的贷款被批准,你的关闭将安排在一个方便你的地方. 就是这样,你的 房管局贷款已完成! Application to closing takes an average of 30 days. 


Why should I go to 元素 for my mortgage?



Buying a home can be a bit overwhelming. 不过别担心. We’ll be with you every step of the way to guide you through the FHA贷款 process, 从预审到结案. You’ll have your personal mortgage expert’s cell phone number, so you can get all your questions answered very quickly. 

更好的利率. 更少的费用.

因为我们是信用合作社, we return profits to members in the form of reduced fees, 更高的储蓄率, 更低的贷款利率.

可信的建议. 新鲜的方法.

We pride ourselves on being a trusted source for financial education. We come to your w工作place to answer questions and can provide you with 一个专门的抵押贷款发起人,指导您完成整个抵押贷款过程.

尊重当地. 在全球范围内访问.

自1930年以来,我们的总部设在印第安纳波利斯,在全国信用合作社中排名前3%6. We serve members in all 50 states and 50+ countries. 您可以使用全国5000多家共享分行和全球78000多台免费atm机.

高科技. 人类接触.

Our technology makes banking 与元素 easy. From quick digital applications to online and mobile banking, we’ll be by your side wherever you go. 我们在这里为您提供全天候会员服务,并在工作日进行实时聊天.



Screenshot of 元素 online application


  1. 在线申请 - Do this online whenever you have 15-20 minutes to spare. 或打电话 1-800-561-9433 开始吧.
  2. 接我们的电话 - 我们将在您提交申请后的一个工作日内与您联系,查看我们需要哪些文件并回答您的问题.
  3. 安排收盘时间 - We'll stay in touch with you throughout the mortgage process. 然后,如果你被批准了,我们会安排你在一个方便的地方结束交易.

马上申请 得到预先批准


Your monthly mortgage payment is made up of four components: principal, 感兴趣, 房产税, and homeowner’s insurance (referred to as "PITI"). 


Principal and 感兴趣 are based on the loan amount, 利率, 以及贷款的分期偿还期限. 


财产税每年评估一次. 你的税额要除以12个月,以确定每月从你那里收取多少税款.


首页owner’s 保险 is also paid annually. The amount of your annual premium is divided by 12 months as well. 

私人抵押贷款保险(PMI)也可以是你每月抵押贷款支付的一部分. 这是贷款人获得的保险,以保护他们免受任何损失,如果你停止偿还贷款. 如果你在购买时不支付至少20%的首付,或者在再融资时拥有20%或更多的房产权益,那么传统贷款通常需要PMI.





本息 ____美元
房产税* ____美元
房屋保险* ____美元
抵押贷款保险* ____美元


  1. 1 FHA 抵押贷款 利率 effective as of July 12, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(apr)适用于信用评分为780或更高和96的借款人.5%的贷款价值比(LTV),并以印第安纳州财产担保的贷款为基础. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, 贷款与估值比率, 还有其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, 关闭成本, and points may vary by property location, 贷款类型, and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. 举例:购买价格为400,000美元,FICO®分数为780或更高,以及3.首付款5%或以上, 贷款金额为386美元,000; FHA mortgage insurance premium is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.
  2. 2 FHA 抵押贷款 利率 effective as of July 12, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(apr)适用于信用评分为780或更高和96的借款人.5%的贷款价值比(LTV),并以印第安纳州财产担保的贷款为基础. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, 关闭成本 and points may vary by property location, 贷款类型 and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. 例如,每月付款基于财产价值为400,000美元,FICO®评分为780或更高,以及3.5%或以上股本, 贷款金额为386美元,000; FHA mortgage insurance premium is excluded, and they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制.
  3. 3 First Time 首页buyer 利率 effective as of July 12, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为95%的借款人,并且是基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, 关闭成本 and points may vary by property location, 贷款类型 and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example 每月的付款s based on 购买价格 of $350,000, FICO®分数为780或更高, 首付款5%或以上, 贷款金额为332美元,500; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.
  4. 4 Adjustable 利率 effective as of July 12, 2024. 请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, 关闭成本 and points may vary by property location, 贷款类型 and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example 每月的付款s based on a 购买价格 of $400,000, FICO®分数为780或更高, 25%首付款, 贷款金额为300美元,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电了解ARM产品的价格信息,并注明其他条款.
  5. 5 Fixed 利率 effective as of July 12, 2024.请注意,此处显示的利率和年利率(4月s)适用于信用评分为780或更高,贷款价值比(LTV)为75%的借款人,并且基于印第安纳州财产担保的贷款. 根据您的信用评分,实际利率和年利率可能会有所不同, LTV比率和其他因素, and may be higher than those displayed here. 利率, 关闭成本 and points may vary by property location, 贷款类型 and borrower credit and income characteristics. ALL FINANCING SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. Example 每月的付款s based on a 购买价格 of $400,000, FICO®分数为780或更高, 25%首付款, 贷款金额为300美元,000; they do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, 如果适用的话, and the actual payment obligation may be higher. 利率 are subject to change without notice. 可能会有一些限制. 请致电查询其他按揭产品的利率资料.
  6. 6 基于截至2022年12月31日的资产规模.