顾名思义, 可调利率抵押贷款(ARM)在贷款期限内没有固定利率. 而不是, there is a lower introductory 利率 that will change after a certain number of years that you set when getting the loan. 取决于初始时期结束时的市场情况, 你的利率可能会增加或减少, 这意味着你的月供只能选其一. If you don’t plan to stay in this home too long or you plan to pay off the loan within about 10 years, ARM对你来说是个不错的选择.
不知道怎么读期权条款? 了解更多.
arm对利率变化的时间和幅度设置了上限. 具有相同介绍性利率的贷方可能对贷款期限有不同的上限. The initial cap de术语ines how much the 利率 can change during your first 调整 period. 随后的上限, 也被称为定期或年度上限, 控制汇率在未来调整中可以改变多少. There is also a lifetime cap that says what the total 利率 increase can be for the life of the loan. 最后,支付上限表示您的ARM支付允许的总增量.
如果这看起来很难理解,不要害怕! We will give you personal guidance to make sure you understand the caps and guide you toward the best option for your current and future budget.